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  • Isaac I.Y. Saito's avatar
    Consolidate ar_track_alvar* packages into a single repo (#120) · b32295f5
    Isaac I.Y. Saito authored
    * Add meta pkg. Move ar_track_alvar_msgs package.
    * [msgs] Adjust version so that we can release the package at once within the metapkg.
    Currently, ar_track_alvar consists of 2 packages, `ar_track_alvar` and `ar_track_alvar_msgs`. These are maintained in two separate repositories, which duplicates release tasks. These two packages can easily be maintained in a single repo and maintenance can be reduced. Backward compatibility should be perfectly retained since we're not changing anything in 2 existing packages.
    To list the actual change:
    - Add a metapkg `ar_track_alvar_metapkg`
    - Move ar_track_alvar_msgs` from [the separate repo]( into this repo.
    * [CI] Add ROS Lunar, and allow them to fail since the dependency might not be fulfilled yet before its official release.
    * Update readme and .rosinstall files.